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Since 2004



                 Gilbert Lodge Blog
         The life and times of Mark and Paula Persons

Wednesday, December 21, 2011:   Holiday shoppers were heading home at the end of the day.

Sunset behind the landmark water tower in Brainerd heralds the beginning of the longest night of the year.  In all, there were just 8 hours and 35 minutes of day with 15 hours and 25 minutes of darkness. This is the official beginning of winter, also know as the Winter Solstice

Brainerd sunrise:  7:57 AM, sunset: 4:32 PM.

On the good side, the days will start getting a little longer every day as night yields to day.

Quote of the day:  We just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.  Mark < Back to previous story Ahead to next story >

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page last edited 12/23/2011